NEWS & TOPICS - 2011 reports from food research and industry

Vitamin E - innate function identified

21-Dec-2011 (Nutrition Horizon) The powerful antioxidant found in most foods helps repair tears in the plasma membranes that protect cells from outside forces, report Georgia Health Sciences University researchers in the journal Nature Communications on »

Wheat bran holds 2,7mg/100g vit E to cover 30% of the RDI
Weizenkleie enthält 2,7mg/100g Vitamin E ≙ 30% des Tagesbedarfs

Fiber is an important nutrient beneficial to healthy weight, digestive health and heart health

14-Dec-2011 (Nutrition Horizon) Yet, less than one in 10 American adults and children get enough fiber in their diets, and most get about half the amount of fiber they need, as recommended by the Institute of Medicine on »

Health impact of dietary fibres
Ballaststoffe: physiologische Wirkung

Glucans win in EU health claims raffle

15-Nov-2011 (NUTRA Food, drink and supplement makers across the European Union are free to make cholesterol-lowering health claims after an oat beta-glucan health claim passed into EU law books on »

High Betaglucan Oat Bran BC-11: datasheet (pdf)
Betaglucan-reiche Haferspeisekleie BC-11: Produktinfo (pdf)

More Fiber - good for Teen Diets

11-Nov-2011 (Nutrition Horizon) Study: 3-fold increase in the number of children that had metabolic syndrome when the group of children receiving the least fiber was compared with the group receiving the most on »

Dietary fibres: Health benefits and technical impact
Ballaststoffe: Gesundheit und technologische Wirkung

The Fermentable Fiber Revolution

1-Nov-2011 C. Adams: Neutraceuticals World 11/2012, 28:
Functional fibers for foods and beverages to relieve from gastrointestinal disorders
Ballaststoffe für Nahrungsmittel und Getränke zur Heilung von Magen-/Darmleiden

Good quality breads with prebiotic effect

08-Sep-2011 (bakery and Rye or wheat bran fortified breads treated with xylanase can yield good quality breads with a prebiotic effect (new study) on »

stabilisierte Speisekleien     prebiotische Hafer-Ballaststoffe
stabilized cereal brans        prebiotic impact of advanced oat fibre (AOF)

Leucine may help to burn fat but spare muscle wastage

29-Aug-2011 (nutra ingredients) Research in high altitude climbers has suggested that supplementation with the amino acid leucine can help to boost fat burning whilst preventing loss of muscle tissue on »

Der Leucin-Gehalt von 100 g Teff deckt bereits 90% des Tagesbedarfs
100 g teff cover 90% of the daily leucine demand

Teff, Millet, Amaranth, and Quinoa deemed gluten-free

08-Aug-2011 (food Research investigating the immune reactivity of tef, millet, amaranth, and quinoa has confirmed their safety in the diet of celiac disease patients on »

Glutenfrei Backen mit Teff - Teff for glutenfree baked goods

Dietary oligosaccharides boost infant nutrition and immunity

02-Aug-2011 (nutra ingredients) Consumption of oligosaccharides from food sources help to boost childhood nutrition and immunity, reducing the risk of food allergy and dermatitis on »

Teff - Schwangerschaft, Stillzeit, Kleinkinderernaährung - baby food & nursing

Magnesium Deficiency Linked to Higher Risk of Osteoporosis

28-Jul-2011 (Nutrition Horizon) Magnesium stimulates the hormone calcitonin, which helps to preserve bone structure, impacting the possibility of osteoporosis, some forms of arthritis and kidney stones on »

Teff contains as much as 150 - 210 mg magnesium per 100 g.

Pasta - fibre boost without affecting quality

25-Jul-2011 (food The addition of dietary fibres to pasta could offer health benefits without affecting the quality of final products, according to new research on durum wheat pasta [source: Food Chemistry] on »

WHITE*STAR sensorily neutral functional dietary fibers for pasta extrusion
Funktionelle Ballaststoffe für die Herstellung von extrudierten Teigwaren.
Info-PDF: Hafer-Ballaststoff AOF 6000 für Teigwaren und Extrudate
Technical info (pdf): Oat Fibre AOF 6000 for Pasta and Extruded Foods

Cholesterol-lowering effects of oat ß-glucan

01-Jun-2011 R.A. Othman et al.: Nutrition Reviews 69/6, 299 (2011)
(doi: 10.1111/j.1753-4887.2011.00401.x) ..abstract »

Fiber enriched pasta boosts nutritional quality

14-Apr-2011 (food Using insoluble fibre leads to enhanced nutritional quality of pasta, without affecting its sensory properties negatively [source: LWT - Food Science and Technology 44, 6-2011, 1429] on »

Oat Fibre AOF 6000 for Pasta and Extruded Foods (pdf)
Hafer-Ballaststoff AOF 6000 für Teigwaren und Extrudate (pdf)

High-fiber Diets During Early Adult Years May Lower Lifetime Cardiovascular Disease Risk

23-Mar-2011 (Nutrition Horizon) Beneficial effect of dietary fiber may require a long period of time, and older adults may have already developed significant risk for heart disease before starting a high-fiber diet on »

Fiber-Rich Diet Linked to Longevity

15-Feb-2011 (Wall Street Journal) Fill up on fiber each day and you may live a longer life. A study published in the current issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine suggests that people who eat a high-fiber diet may live longer than those who fail to get enough dietary fiber each day. Researchers specifically noted that dietary fiber from grains was significantly related to a lower risk of death from certain diseases on »

WHITE*STAR dietary fibres

Dietary fibre may reduce risk of death from CVD

14-Feb-2011 (Y. Park e.a.: Arch Intern Med. 10.1001/archinternmed.2011.18) Dietary fibre may reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular, infectious, and respiratory diseases. Fiber-rich food choices more often provide significant health benefits ..full report »

Check for WHITE*STAR cereal fibre ingredients: dietary fibers, brans

Buckwheat: Benefits to gluten-free crackers

25-Nov-2010 (bakery and Buckwheat is increasing in popularity as a health food and enhances the diversity of health promoting functional bakery products more

Celiac sufferers benefit from buckwheat enhanced gluten-free bread

7-Sep-2010 (bakery and Buckwheat flour has increasing popularity as a health food. It is a natural source of minerals and antioxidant activity, offering high nutritional value

Soluble Fiber Boosts Immune System

02-Mar-2010 (ScienceDaily) Soluble fiber changes the personality of immune cells. They go from being pro-inflammatory to antiinflammatory, healing cells that help us recover faster from infection on »

J.R. Primack, N.E. Abrams: View from the Center of the Universe

Joel Primack
& Nancy Abrams:
The View from the Center of
the Universe.

We are responsible to care of the Earth since there is still time to solve some of our prob­lems. The book satisfies our need for order and meaning in our world and in our lives.

Lowering Bread

EU health claims backed »

Bake with Teff:

 - for sportsmen
 - for celiac patients
 - healthy/functional

 .. read more »

I'm not so interested in the past
but rather in the future, as there
I intend to live.


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