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Today, consumers have recognized and learn that our food can significantly contribute to strengthen health, lifestyle and wellness. They definitively expect natural and unaffected nourishment and tasty foods of highest nutritional value [t.02].
Inevitably, we experience an invasive change of thinking, acting, but also in our nourishment. Convenience food will become less important in favor of health and sustainability. Wholesomeness, lifestyle, vitality and wellness are now at the top of the agenda.
Pregnant, Nursing, Baby Nutrition | Bakery & Breads |
Teff for Adults and Elderly | Glutenfree Baking |
Sports/Athletes: Sustainable Power | Health and Nutrition |
Teff flakes are not only gluten-free but also have a very low microbiological count. The nutritional and physiological qualities of teff are appealing - designed to manufacture nourishment for babies and infants.
A unique combination of prebiotic carbohydrates and soluble fibers, essential amino acids, minerals, trace elements and vitamins is precisely what children need to grow up wholesome and healthy. Searching for the best cereal for our babies and infants seriously leads to the Ancient Grain Teff.
Expectant and nursing mothers protect and feed the unborn or newborn baby to provide the antigens and immunity agents that furnish the antibodies and defence system which are so important for the first months of babies life. It is the way how moms equip her kids for the very first months after birth.
Teff bolsters the immune system and guards the nerve system. That's exactly why teff is such a crucial part of the pregnant and nursing mothers food - as vital as for the baby itself.
From fetus up to the age, our brain goes through many various stages. Our cognition and its functions are differentially, but continuously stimulated. A well-balanced diet could supply the required nutrients, but our hectic way of life today will never grant such demand.
If insufficiently fed with oxygen and nutrients, nerve cells die and are causal for strokes. The disease counts 5,5 Million people per year. Those who survive, normally become a difficult nursing case. The number of strokes is scarily increasing on the reason of our ageing population [t.11].
Teff provides proteins, essential minerals and favorable carbs for consistent and enduring energy load, and contains the vital components to support brain and nerve system.
Teff - for conscious dealing with our body. For a future worth living:
Teff keeps us healthy, fit and active,
improves life quality and wholesomeness!
For athletes, teff is of crucial importance. Topics are:
Full Energy Scope |
Healing and Regeneration Power |
Teff is an Oxygen Well |
Essential Proteins but No Allergens |
Teff is a main component in the nutrition plan of top athletes like marathon runners [t.15 - Haile Gebrselassie]:
10 to 25% of the carbs of teff are converted to rapidly available energy [t.17].
Approximately 80% of the carbs have a complex structure (similar to pectin), and about 50% of them are progressively converted into sugars in the small bowel - an energy depot for endurance sports.
Roughly 30% of the carbs can be processed to fatty acids in the colon (also check dietary fibre: short chain fatty acids - SCFA), supportive for the maintenance of the immune system (characteristic to teff, untypical to modern grains).
Targeting highest sportive performance, branched chain amino acids like glutamine and arginine are crucial (muscle power) [t.16]. Leucine stimulates the development of skeletal muscles and is most important for bodybuilders and power athletes [ altitude climbers t.13].
Teff has a high quality protein composition and is considered to be amongst the best vegetable protein sources for human consumption, similar to egg protein. These proteins, together with the well-rated combination of calcium, lysine and iron, care for optimum tissue recovery and help to a fast healing of inner and extrinsic violations.
The interaction of fatty acids and trace elements works out as an excellent source for bio-active ingredients and antioxidants, supporting the convalescence of internal injuries (frequent degenerative syndromes) [nutrigenomics t.12].
Athletes, who diet teff over a time, report significantly better (higher) hematocrite values - as an effect of the high oxygen output caused by the iron-rich teff [t.03].
Phytic acid strongly reduces the absorption of minerals. It means that we can not take value of the minerals even if these are excessively available in our foods, as the absorption is blocked by phytic acid. Compared to wheat, the phytate content of teff is as low as 20% (1:5). Teff provides a much better arterial oxygen saturation and an enhanced CO2 output of the muscle tissues - effective to improved athletic performance.
To allergy suffering persons, gluten is harmful. But also the allergen tolerant organism is forced to waste energy to break and remove the gluten proteins from the body. Around 30% of the population suffer of unspecific celiac disease when the immune system reacts to the blood gluten content, when the gluten molecules are inactivated by protein agglomeration. A procedure that leads to form lumps and thickens the blood, quite negatively affecting the athletic performance. Coevally, it pollutes the kidneys when these are requested to filtrate and discharge the inactivated proteins in addition to the refusals of sportive acting.
Baked goods like bread have always been a vital source for the every days demand of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. A merit which should prevail also in the future! Why do wheat based products normally provide only such low amounts of essential nutrients?
Standard grain, like wheat, has been modified through thousands of years by cultivation to have it easy digestible, comfortable to use and more and more efficient in the respects of costs and processing speed. Increasing life expectancy and raised susceptibility now change our notion about healthy nutrition and sustainable sourcing and processing. We learn and understand how significant healthy food can influence the quality of life [t.17].
The consumer more and more understands that the ancient grain teff helps to stay fit for life as it supports and provides wholesomness, wellness and vitality. He expects and demands tasty foods of best nutritional value.
Baking with teff 's so easy -
yet there are some "golden rules" to be considered:
Bread and rolls: simply use flakes! |
Go gluten-free with fine teff flour |
Teff vs wheat - the distinction makes the difference! |
Teff doesn't contain gluten and that's why it may alter the bake performance of wheat doughs. By experience, teff flakes are most suggested to be paired to wheat flour.
Teff boosts the taste and the nutritional qualities of wheat:
Adding about 25 % teff flakes to wheat flour leads to an optimum taste experience.
Teff is a natural conditioner to improve freshness and shelf-life, important enough for mainstream products and even more for organic goods.
Doughs containing a desirable addition of Teff produce high amounts of energy during baking which can be best controlled by using solid pans.
Based on its special constitution of starches, teff retrogrades fast after baking. The moisture released while the product cools down is well bound when adding some fibers (e.g. AOF or apple fibre). Appealing advantage: no later retrogradation occurs. The baked goods are stable and don't age further.
Teff seeds and puffed teff are proofed as first-rate toppings, providing a pleasant taste experience.
Wheat, like other standard cereal products, has been modified by breeding to gain distinct properties like easier digestibility, comfortable handling, improved processability and cost efficiency.
With respects to our body and organism, cereal products are the most important energy source. Bake products - mainly bread - essentially provide us with the daily demanded vitamins, minerals and trace elements - a merit that should prevail the same way in future. But foods purely based on wheat only provide a small proportion of the valuable vital constituents.
Content / Effect | Funktion | Wheat | Teff | Performance |
prebiotic starch | stomach, gut & organs | 0 % | 30 % | superb |
lasting energy | energy for many hours | 3 % | 50 % | 17x more |
minerals uptake | essential every day | poor | excellent | superior |
calcium | strong bones & fit muscels | 34 | 171 | 5x more |
iron | blood & sweat | 4 | 7 | 2x more |
magnesium | cell tension | 138 | 171 | 1,6x more |
fast energy | like sugar: makes you fat | 97 % | 20 % | 5x less |
gluten | allergen potential | 8 % | 0 % | allergen-free |
Teff supports vitality and life style. It keeps us healthy, fit und energetic. Added to wheat based foods, teff improves the nutritive and sensoric quality. Conclusion: tasty bakery products of superior nutritional claims.
Teff is free from gluten and other allergenic ingredients (proteins) - designed to manufacture products for celiacs and allergen suffering persons [t.02]. Also, teff has outstanding nutritive characteristics (nutrients).
Finely milled teff flour provides taste, texture and mouthfeel to gluten free baked goods. Suggested is an addition of 10 to 30% teff flour paired with other gluten-free ingredients as rice, corn, millet or buckwheat. Dietary fibers (like cereal brans, apple fiber or oat fiber), psyllium or guar may well contribute to the final top quality [t.17].
Teff flour takes up lots and lots of water which makes the dough rather fluid (similar to pancake dough). It is a good advise to add sufficient water during baking in order to obtain the best texture and mouthfeel.
Teff flakes are not only gluten-free, but also have a very low microbiological plate count. Flakes are preferably designed for producing dietetic foods for babies, infants and young children.
ancient grain teff -
H. Turkensteen 18.12.2010
the best grain ever!
Healthy Grains bv
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